Welcome all to week ones summary.
First off an apology to everyone. i did promise this up last week but hopefully it has been worth the wait. so lets get to it!
The allied offensive has opened to the sound of thunderous artillery. As paratroopers rained from the skies they dug in on there LZ ready for counter-attacks that never came, it would seem that there really was nothing left but old men and young boys after all.
30 Corps and 13 Corps meanwhile smashed into the Fallschirmjager units opposite them, bringing the full brunt of the allied war machine to bear falling back was all the Germans could do! 7 Corps meanwhile found the defences opposite them somewhat more formidable and was fought to a standstill, but for how long.
With the initial allied thrust off to a resounding success can the Germans seize the initiative and counter attack, or will the battle be over quick and the war over by Christmas!
Nicley done...looks like you are off to a great start!