Week update Turn 2 week 2:
Dateline September 1944, place Arhnem. The boys are fighting hard to bring down nazi Germany 1 bridge at a time, the operation, we now know is named Market Garden is set to continue its advance through the Dutch towns allowing a massive flanking manoeuvre into Hitlers vital Ruhr region. The bridgeheads continue to expand as the paratroopers make unopposed moves into several regions.
All is not unopposed though and tough fights ensue for several regions but out boys backed up by that well known british resolve win out, Go Get em Chaps!
NEWSFLASH: The court-marshal of sergeant Johnson progressed today, johnson is accused of shooting his company commander in the back after he ordered a retreat with objective in sight, no one is quite sure who fired the shot that killed the Captain though as he was found riddled with close to 100 30cal and rifle rounds in his body.
The allies are pushing closer to the vital region up the Arhnem road. They have managed to link up with American paratroops and get them supplies from France. This is a tenuous link though with only one road servicing the paratroops and forward Arhnem elements. Will the allies be able to expand there supply network and continue the push or will it be cut, leaving them in a tight spot. Time will tell.
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