And so it begins.
With the single road and nothing but old men and boys between the fine forces of 30 corps and being home by Christmas the greatest airborne operation ever has been launched. Under the command of Field Marshal Keith 30 corpse with the ever valiant Irish Guard leading the way are going to relive the paras, save the day and end the war by Christmas.
But all its not as it seems, not if the German forces under Field Marshal Guy have anything to say about it. For allied intelligence has underestimated the German forces present in the area. For among the old men and boys are the hardened veterans of not only a fallschirmjager regiment but the remainder of an entire fallschirmjager division. Further backing this up are several SS divisions recuperating in the region around Arhnem.
So with only 7 days of planing and preparation the operation is set to not only decide the fate of a few bridges but the fate of Europe and the war itself, the question on all sides was the same, 'Could this be over by Christmas'?